Cronulla Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine, which has been practiced for over 4000 years. It is based on the philosophy of meridian channels which navigate the human body (both internally and externally), and the Qi (pronounced chi) which is the life force/energy which flows through the meridian channels.
Book Online or call our Cronulla Acupuncture clinic on 9527 3322 today.
When disease sets in, it is due to blockages in the meridian channels which affect the qi to flow properly. Many different symptoms can arise do the ineffective flow of the qi including organ dysfunction, rashes, sleep disturbances, stress, hormonal imbalance, aches & pain and illness.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific acupoints on the body. The use of the needles is to eliminate blockages in the meridian's which can occur, and to improve the flow of the qi.
Each acupoint can have a specific effect on the qi within our body when stimulated. Acupuncture aims to restore homeostasis. Another way of saying this is that it harmonises the qi within our body and brings it back to balance
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help With?
Acupuncture can treat a wide variety if issues including:
- Chronic Pain
- Sleep Disturbances
- Depression
- Tendonitis
- Pregnancy/Fertility
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Gastrointestinal
- Skin Disorders
- Headaches
- Frozen Shoulder
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Arthritis
I'm Afraid of Needles. Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Rarely, the needles do not penetrate deep within the skin, and are so thin (around 0.25mm) that they are usually not felt.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is very safe and we practice in a very safe manner at our clinic in Cronulla. Acupuncture has been shown to be very safe when administered by a well trained practitioner with a low risk of serious adverse effects. The needles are surgical steel quality, sterilized, only used once and disposed of immediately after in a sharps box.
How Experienced Are Your Acupuncturists in Cronulla?
Acupuncture is a 4 year course in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which combines Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Chinese Massage. There are currently 10 universities and colleges in Australia which teach Acupuncture.
Click here to get the latest information on Acupuncture courses in Australia.
What's The Difference Between Acupuncture & Dry Needling?
Acupuncture is a 4000 year old medicine based on the principles of meridian channels. While Dry Needling may use the same needles, it is based on a modern interpretation of muscular & neural pain. Dry needling is mostly focused on treating muscular pain and dysfunction rather than the wide range of problems that Acupuncture can help with.
The other difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling is that Acupuncture can only be performed by a practitioner who has completed a 4 year degree in acupuncture.
Dry Needling is often taught over 2-3 days to therapists who already hold an existing degree in musculoskeletal treatment; usually Osteopaths, Remedial Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors do further study to learn Dry Needling.
It is a common misconception that a practitioner (Physio/Osteopath/Chiro) etc performed acupuncture on a patient when in fact they didn't, it was Dry Needling that the practitioner was doing.
At Biomechanics Healthcare Cronulla, Acupuncture is only performed by our Acupuncturist and our other therapists are quick to point out that they are specifically performing Dry Needling as opposed to Acupuncture so that there is no confusion.