Holistic Counselling
HOLISTIC COUNSELLING is based in Humanistic Psychology. It is similar to life coaching as it seeks to inspire the person to become more empowered in making decisions and choices by developing life skills that will enable them to do so. I assist you with developing new living skills and new ways of thinking. This allows you to make confident choices about your life and not continue to let the events of the past have any power on the present or in your future.
The ethos of holistic counselling and meditation therapy is to develop new living skills & new ways of thinking, to allow making choices about the way you want to live & not continue to let the events of the past have any power in the present of in the future.
Robyn Parkes
Meditation Therapist
Dip.Med.Hols.Couns (IMTTA)
Registered Practitioner International Meditation Teacher Trainer's Association
Mental Health First Aid Australia: Standard Mental Health First Aider