Osteopaths in the Sutherland Shire
A Holistic Approach To Injury Management and Supreme Health
Is your body suffering the aches and pains that age brings with it? Do you wish that you could be as limber as you once were? We have the answer..
Sutherland Shire Osteopaths Rhys Donovan, Dan Garner and Rick Hartley are here to help you achieve that and take you to the next level.
Book Online or Call our Sutherland Shire Clinic on 9527 3322 today.
Did you know that the reason why we age is because our body loses the ability to regenerate cells as efficiently as when we were young? Loss of mobility loss and increased pain are just some of the side effects that you may experience. We know that the more you challenge your body in the areas strength, flexibility and balance, the better you will perfoem in the long run. We also know that it is far easier for your body to maintain these abilities rather than try to make them happen fro scratch 10 years from now.
The human body is an extremely intelligent organism and the saying 'Use It or Lose It' holds true here. If you don't use these areas of health and fitness, your body will simply discard those abilities which will eventually lead to more pain and less ability to do your usual activities of daily living.
So take action now to make the changes that you know you need. Osteopaths, Rhys, Dan & Rick can help you diagnose the cause of your complaint, identify all the contributing factors to this and work with you on the path to better health.
As they also say, prevention is better than cure, so what better time to start looking after yourself?
What Is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a type of hands-on healthcare which has a more holistic view of the body. Based on the principle that your body's structure (i.e. muscles, bones, joints and ligaments) affects it's function (i.e. breathing, circulation, digestion and metabolism). Once serious problems are ruled out, an osteopathic treatment will address all the physical and psychological stresses and apply the appropriate treatment.
Osteopathic treatment is not defined by what treatment techniques they use but rather how the treatment is applied to the patient. Typically you will find your osteopath using one or many combinations of stretching, joint mobilisations (both gentle and the ones that make a crack), massage, posture advice, functional movement exercises, dry needling and possibly more depending on the experience of the osteopath.
The treatment is designed to
Improve your circulation
Reduce muscle spasm
Improve and maintain flexibility
Maintain nerve supply
Restore the balance of muscles and joints
Is Osteopathy New?
It's a common misconception that Osteopathy is new. The roots of Osteopathy actually date back to 1872. Dr A.T Still, a physician, believed that the body contained the elements necessary for its own healing. So he developed a complete system for stimulating the immune system naturally.
Dr A.T first thought that the cause of the disease originated from the bone (osteum) so the name osteopath was born. We now know that there is more to disease than just the bones, however the name osteopath has stuck.
This all happened before Chiropractic was founded and at a similar time the Physiotherapy.
Osteopathy & Medicine
Osteopathy and medicine both use up to date scientific understanding of anatomy and physiology. Both use clinical methods of investigation and both require extensive training.
The current Osteopathy course is a 5-year university degree (3-year Bachelor and 2-year Masters). It is taught at Southern Cross University, RMIT & Victoria University.
Most Osteopaths don’t see themselves as an “alternative” to modern medicine, but rather as a complement to it. So you can rest assured knowing you’re receiving safe and effective treatment.
Osteopathy vs. Chiropractic & Physiotherapy
The main difference between Osteopathy and other manual therapies like Chiropractic and Physiotherapy is the underlying principle that all of the body’s systems are interrelated.
The Osteopath's approach to injury considers that the main site of pain is not necessarily the actual problem. The human body is an amazing structure that naturally adapts to pain and compensates to make things feel more comfortable so there may be an array of things not functioning quite right.
Osteopaths like to examine and treat the body more completely using a wide range of techniques to give the best outcome.
What Can I Expect From My Osteopathic Treatment?
Osteopaths Rhys Donovan, Dan Garner and Rick Hartley have a versatile approach to suit many types of patients and complaints.
Most treatments consist of a combination of deep tissue massage, stretching, functional exercise prescription and joint mobilisation/adjustments. Sometimes adjunctive therapies such as dry needling, cupping, TENS, ultrasound and kinesio-taping may be used.
Typically massaging and stretching before adjustments/manipulations is the preferred approach as some patients find that it makes the process easier and more comfortable for them. But not all patients need this approach, and some don't like getting their joints 'cracked' so other approaches may be used.
If particular techniques are unsuitable for a patient or simply undesired by the patient, alternative approaches can always be used. It's important to us that the patient's comfort comes first.
Who Can Benefit From Osteopathy?
If you’re from Woolooware or somewhere else in the Sutherland Shire resident, there are many injuries and complaints that can successfully be managed by Osteopathy.
- Woolooware locals who love to surf, run, swim and regularly find themselves 'tightening up'.
- Posture or mobility issues
- Back/neck pain or stiffness
- Arthritis (all types)
- Sports Injuries
- RSI (Repetitive strain injury)
- Headaches
- Hip pain & sciatica
- Breathing difficulties including asthma
Is Osteopathy available under Medicare?
Medicare covers some Osteopathic treatments with a referral from a GP. Private health funds give rebates for Osteopathy, most of which can be claimed on the spot as long as you have coverage for it.
Osteopaths also treat CTP, Workcover claim and DVA claims.
Your Osteopaths near Woolooware
Call our Cronulla Clinic which is just near Sutherland on 9527 3322 or Book Online
Still unsure about osteopathy? What about one of our qualified Physiotherapists in Cronulla?
Want to be pampered instead? Treat yourself to a Massage in Cronulla.