Six Super Tips on Making The Most of Your Health Fund

There's so much going on at this time of year that most people overlook one important thing - most health fund limits reset at midnight on the 31st December. This has to be the health fund provider's favourite time of year as all the money that you have paid on to your health fund simply disappears!
This really is the perfect time of year to make use of what limits remain on your insurance, with the knowledge that in just a few weeks they'll go back to their full limits once again.
1. Are you in pain & think that you may need some Osteopathy, Physiotherapy or Massage? Get in quick for your initial consultation before the year is done. The average length of a treatment plan is around 6 - 8 consultations, so get a few appointments in now and schedule the other appointments for the new year after your health fund resets.
2. Don't have any major injuries? Why not treat yourself to a massage or two to help de-stress over this crazy time of year.
3. Wear glasses? Many Optometrists offer great deals at this time of year if you have a health fund. Discounts, 2-4-1 offers, no gap etc. Shop around and you can get a great deal.
4. Don't wear glasses, but think you might need some? Get an Optometrist appointment before the year runs out. You can use your health fund to cover the cost of any basic exams, and maybe some contacts or a pair of glasses. Then when it's the new year go back for your follow up & get some more contacts or a second pair of glasses.
5. You can use the same strategy at your Dentist. Go in for your check up this year and if you need any major work done, get what you can get covered this year & do the rest next year. Think 3 fillings this year & the other 3 next year!
6. And again, the same strategy can be with your podiatrist. Have a consultation this year, order & pay for your orthotics at the start of next year. Or order one pair of orthotics this year for your work shoes and another next year for your running shoes.
Don’t miss out on the rebate you pay for! Call our practice today to schedule an appointment and take advantage of the funds still available to you before they run out. Call now!